Centre for Health Ethics Law and Development (CHELD) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization registered in Nigeria and established in 2010. We are a research think-tank and an implementer in the area of public health, mental health, child health and survival, gender-based violence, NCDs and migration, and their intersections with health, amongst other areas of interest.
Strategic Highlights
2021 started with enthusiasm for all of us at CHELD. The success of 2020, despite the challenges of COVID, only spurred us to aspire to make greater impacts in our world.
CHELD provided expertise and improved health rights across our programmes, working with new donors and clients. Three highlights: We provided support to the British Council and the European Union a Country Gender Profile for Nigeria, an important document not only for general information but to inform the EU’s work in Nigeria. We also provided support for the African Union with the support of GIZ on understanding the intersections of migration and health and improving the health rights of migrants.