Gender-Based Violence

The Country Gender Profile for Nigeria was prepared by CHELD in collaboration the British Council for the European Union.

It provides an understanding of gender equality challenges and opportunities, the position and roles of girls, boys, women, and men, in all their diversity, in society, as well as the distribution of resources and power between them. The Report considers and analyses gender equality broadly in various spheres of activity and sectors including poverty and inequality, employment and enterprise, peace and security, health, education, gender-based violence, digitalisation, climate change, and inclusion and intersectionality. Drawing from extensive desk review and primary research, this report provides a background of social norms which dictate gender relations in Nigeria as well as key themes and their impact on gender equality in Nigeria.

As the report shows, there are still many areas of inequality between women and men in Nigeria. There are variations in gender equality indicators along geographical and income lines, and gender inequality intersects with other types of identities. Progress on gender equality and women’s empowerment has been recorded in several areas, notably with the passage of laws such as the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act, 2019 and development of policies across a range of issues. However, progress is limited in several other areas.

The end goal of the Country Gender Profile is to assist the EU’s programme of work in Nigeria towards fast-tracking gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment in all its interventions.—gender/documents/gcp-nigeria